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Local Governing Boards

Local – A LGB within SMART Multi Academy Trust is local to the school and community it serves.


Governing – A LGB provides support and scrutiny to the school leadership and as such oversees the governance of the school. They have delegated powers and responsibilities from the Board of Trustees and these can be found in a document called the Scheme of Delegation.


Board – The term board is used in order to promote the application of business like methods and procedures, to ensure value for money and measurable success in achieving the Academy Trust's educational objectives.


Key guidance for Local Governing Boards is provided by the DfE in the Governance Handbook and Competency Framework for Governance


Interested in learning more or applying to be a Governor Contact Us



The skills of a governor


The role of a Governor can be a challenging and rewarding one. Governors are volunteers and give up their valuable time and expertise to ensure that local communities interests are being served by their schools. Governors can be involved in many different areas of the school business and their input and involvement is crucial.


The Essential attributes of a Governor are:

  • a commitment to improving education for all pupils
  • an ability to work in a professional manner as part of a team and take collective responsibility for decisions
  • a willingness to learn
  • a commitment to the Academy Trust's ethos and vision
  • basic literacy and numeracy skills
  • basic IT skills (i.e. word processing and email)


The additional range of skills that are needed across the LGB as a whole:

  • Understanding and/or experience of governance
  • Vision and strategic planning
  • Holding the head to account
  • Financial oversight
  • Knowing your school and community


Key information regarding the role of a governor can be found here Governance and Competency Framework for Governance


SMART Local Governing Boards


Our LGBs have between 3 and 13 Governors and each board is comprised of:

Chair (who may not be an employee of the academy trust)


  • Vice Chair (elected by the Local Governing Board)
  • A minimum of two parent governors
  • Up to eight governors appointed by the Trust
  • The Head Teacher of the school


  • No more than one third of the membership of a school's LGB may be made up of Trust employees (including the Headteacher)
  • No more than 19.9% Local Authority Influenced persons (to a maximum of 2 persons).


Any Trustee may attend a LGB meeting and have full voting rights. All meetings must be quorate a minimum of 3 voting members present or one third of the Board




Joint Governing Boards


We have two Joint Governing Boards established for the 2023-2024 academic year. 


One serves Cheviot and Farne Primaries in Newbiggin Hall. It was established on 1 September 2023.


One serves Mountfield and Kenton Bar Primaries in Kenton. It was established on 12 March 2024.


Membership of the Joint Governing Boards can be found here:

Governor attendance 2022-2023

We are thankful that our teams of governors are committed to serving our schools. Attendance at LGB meetings for 2022-2023 is recorded in the document below. Governors also make regular monitoring visits into our schools, which are not recorded here but are extremely valuable in helping governors to fulfil their role.

Contact Us

Smart Multi Academy Trust

Wyndham Primary School, Montagu Avenue,

Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 4SB

Smart Multi Academy Trust is a company registered in England and Wales.

Company registration no. 10257723. Registered office address

Wyndham Primary School, Montagu Avenue, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 4SB

If you need this in an alternative format, please contact the school office or phone Smart MAT on 0191 2559251.